What's on my playlist - podcasts I listen to

Published at Oct 6, 2015

I have to admit it, I have a serious condition called CPA, AKA Chronicle Podcasts Addiction, at least I diagnostic myself with that condition.

Yeap, I definitely subscribe to a lot of podcasts. I’ve just counted my subscription list, 21. Yes, I subscribe to 21 and I think it’s a lot.

I listen to different podcasts on different subjects and so, here I am sharing what I listen to with you.

The technical ones:

  • This Developer’s Life - This is definitely one of my favorites, a very well produced and interview styled podcast. The episodes are not that frequent and not that technical for that matter, but they’re certainly worth waiting for.
  • JavaScript Jabber - If you are a JavaScript developer this is a must, a lot of different topics on JavaScript. Great if you want to know more about the JS ecosystem.
  • Coder Radio - Great about the news surrounding the Tech world and about being a developer.
  • Tech Talk Today - A great way to keep up to date with the news.
  • 5 minutes of JavaScript - Short episodes with trending subjects about JavaScript.
  • Hanselminutes - In the past this was a podcast about .NET and Microsoft related subjects. Today, is less technical and less focused on MS technology, which is not a bad thing. As it tag lines says: “A fresh air for developers”.
  • Herding Code - This is of the most technical one I listen to. A lot of web development and a different point of view on Microsoft technologies.
  • .NET Rocks - Despite the name, the podcast is about a lot of different technologies, but for sure with Microsoft developer in mind.
  • Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots - Different subjects for the most programming related.
  • The Changelog - Another one with different subjects programming related.
  • Adventures in Angular - Well, a podcast about Angular.
  • WIRED’s Gadget Lab - Not exactly technical, more about, well, gadgets.

Board gaming

  • The Dice Tower - My main source of information about board gaming.
  • Shut Up & Sit Down - A very funny and informative podcast on board gaming.
  • The Secret Cabal - Each episode is a little to long for my taste (around three hours), but I liker their opinions.


  • The Nerdist - Interviews and news on geek related stuff.
  • Nerdcast - In my opinion still the best Brazilian podcast on different geek subjects. If you speak Portuguese this is a must.
  • Girl on Guy - It’s Aisha Tyler interviewing some personality. It’s fun and a good way to relax.
  • Serial - It’s just on season, at least for now, but it’s great. A very well told story.


  • SciCast - Another one from Brazil, a funny way to learn about science.
  • Insiders Sports - I’m an NBA fan, so a podcast about basketball.